The Terms and Conditions of Sale applicable to orders in the Canon Webshop depends on whether the order is for personal or business purposes:
Terms and Conditions of Sale for employees who order for business purposes from the budget of the entity they work for.
- Terms and Conditions of Sale for students (and employees) ordering from their personal budgets.
Terms and Conditions of Sale for employees
The terms and conditions of sale applicable to your order are set out in the Business2Business contract between Canon and your entity and can be viewed by contacting your internal contract holder.
Terms and Conditions of Sale for students
The General Terms and Conditions of the online store, which apply to orders from a personal budget, have been drawn up on the basis of the format of the Dutch ‘Thuiswinkel Organisatie’ (a leading inspirational e-commerce network that helps stores and e-retailers that sell products and/or services, businesses, and their employees to be more successful).
You can download them here: General Terms and Conditions.